follow my path…
martin bialas
is a visual artist
and his main body of work are
unique cast bronze sculptures
and wall installations.
Fascinated by simple line drawings
and words and letters in art
he often explores the Sahara desert
to seek inspiration.The desert
being key to his creative path.
This portal invites past and future
collectors as well as art enthusiasts
to discover both brand new
and earlier artwork of his.
..fire, liquid metal poured into shape, braking the mold, a sculpture emerges, creation evolves.
All my bronze sculptures are unique,
one-off pieces (unless otherwise stated)
Most works are bespoke commissions.
..that very first moment when my hand holds a pen or a brush and touches an unmarked page is indescribable: an invigorating form of letting go. A visible trace remains, an outline or a stain, like a witness of the artist’s work, an extension of my mind, the art slowly detaches itself from me to manifest itself as an entity of its own..
..photography for me is keeping a trace of what the eye sees during my trips, but also a medium to create work with text around ephemeral, in situ sculpture..a camera is also a fabulous and trusting travel companion..
..letters and words can have a physical body like I try to convey in my sculpture and drawing. Over many years I have collected writings about and around my work as a visual artist, follow my path through my writings..