„Gelbes Wegebild“
(yellow map painting ), acrylic on canvas, 171 x 190 x 5 cm, 1994

„Silberne Silben“
(silvery sillables), acrylic on canvas, 171 x 190 x 5 cm, private collection, Italy

„Im Stillen“
(in silence), acrylic , asphalt on canvas, 57 x 76 x 5 cm, 1994

„Sage mir“
(tell me), acrylic on canvas, 171 x 190 x 5 cm, 1994

at work with my son Anton
outdoor studio, Ibiza, Spain, 1993

„Finde, Eile“
monotype, A4 on Rhodia paper, 1995

„Ein Silbernes Schweigen sprach“
(a silvery silence spoke), monotype on envelope and A4 Rhodia paper, 1995

monotype on A4 Rhodia paper, 1995